Contact Us

Contact our Vicar, Adam Pitt

Use the contact form below to send a message to our vicar, Adam Pitt. He will get back to you as soon as possible.

Contact our Church Wardens

Holy Trinity, Paulton

George Batchelar - Email - 01761 414087

Kathy Mayley - Email - 01761 413109

Holy Trinity, High Littleton

Marilyn Smart - Email - 01761 472249

Vicky Maule - Email - 01761 472959

St John's, Farrington Gurney

Clive Bowen - Email - 01761 451141

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find your church policies?

You can find them all on our Policies page.

Safeguarding Queries

Please report any safeguarding concerns or queries via our online form. These will be treated seriously in line with our safeguarding policy and emailed directly to Trish Ladd, our Benefice Safeguarding Officer.

Baptisms Weddings and Funerals

The dedicated pages on this website (baptisms, weddings) will tell you more about these special occasions. If you want further information, or to make arrangements, please contact our churchwardens using the information above.

Family History Enquiries

In keeping with current practice in the Church of England, we only keep current register books on our church premises, so enquiries about historic records should be directed to Somerset County Archive . However, the churchyards of all three churches, all rich in history, are open to visitors at all times.
By appointment, the vicar, or a churchwarden will let you in to any of our three churches to help you with any family history, or wider historical enquiries you may have.
Older register books, and other help in tracing your family tree may be found at:

Somerset Heritage Centre
Brunel Way
Langford Mead
Norton Fitzwarren
TA26 6SF

The Somerset County archive is located near Taunton, and may be contacted on 01823 278805 or by email

Questions of Spirituality and Faith

Our vicar, Adam Pitt, is here to help anyone in the parish with matters of faith, spirituality and religion. Please use the contact form above to contact him.

Moments of crisis or need

We are here to support all however we can. Speak to our vicar or churchwardens as a first point of contact. Alternatively, come along to one of our services or community events and make contact face-to-face. You can always contact The Samaritans to discuss whatever you are going through on 116 123.

Organisational Matters

If you need to find out everyday information about the churches in the benefice, or want to discuss an administrative matter, please contact the church office:
Holy Trinity Church, Church Street, Paulton, BS39 7LG

Finding Us