Hi everyone,
Half term this week, so just a quick update:
We will have Messy Church on Wednesday 3-5 pm. Thanks to everyone who has volunteered to help with this.
The coming Sunday is family church time again, with the 10am ‘Life’ service in High Littleton, 11am in Paulton and 3pm Teatime service in Farrington, and also the Engine Room prayer time at 8pm in Paulton. We would greatly appreciate all of your support and prayers for these events.
The following Sunday (10th November) is Remembrance, so there will be morning services in High Littleton and Farrington, and the afternoon war memorial service in Paulton.
Also, on Thursday the 7th of November, High Littlton will be having a ‘Service for the Departed’ at 7pm, if you would like to come along and light a candle for those we have loved and lost.
Another date for your diary is Yvette’s confirmation! Yvette has been part of the Paulton congregation for several years now, is part of the PCC leadership and is on her second time through the Alpha course. The confirmation service marks the point in a person's journey where they recognise and affirm their faith as their own. We would like to invite you all to join us in Wells Cathedral on Saturday 23rd of November at 2pm to celebrate this occasion, and then back to the Red Lion for food and entertainment in the afternoon.

If you want to continue tracking with some of the sermon ideas as they develop I have included some more links to useful content that can help to keep us on the same 'wavelength'. This week, a research study into challenging conspiratorial beliefs using AI:
Movements that Matter: How Martial Arts Studies Can Reframe the Ethics of First-Blush Empathy
Wes Streeting: leading interview
Deuteronomy 6.1-9, Hebrews 9.11-14, and Mark 12.28-34
See all below for all the other details of our groups and upcoming events.
Next Sunday we will be meeting 10am in High Littleton, 11am in Paultonand 3pm in Farrington for our family services
If you want to access resources in the meantime, we have a wealth of materials available.
You can use the YouTube link to get yourself tuned up and ready to sing with us on Sunday.

If you don't feel able to attend in person, we will continue to provide online worship options as well. The link to Twitch is at the bottom of this email.

Knit and Natter meet in the back room of Paulton church on the first Wednesday of each month from 2 to 4pm. The next meeting is on Wednesday 6 th November 2024.
Everyone is welcome to come along and join the group, enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and a cake and have a good natter!

TGIF is on every Friday and Monday from 10am to 11.30am for coffee, cake, playtime and good chatting - you can find the latest details on Facebook here. (Not during the school holidays)

Morning prayer is taking place at 9.30am Wednesday in Paulton and Thursday in High Littleton. It begins with 15 minutes of quiet reflection, followed by Common Worship morning prayer.
The Church of England have updated their Morning Prayer APP. You can now listen to morning prayer from the app. I would encourage you all to take this up as a daily practice, it is a great way to grow a pattern of prayer and learn the rhythm of responses each day.
You can download the app here: https://www.chpublishing.co.uk/apps/daily-prayer
view the live service and re-watch previous services here: https://www.twitch.tv/holytrinitychurchpaulton
Every blessing to you all.