Hi everyone,
I am feeling increasingly excited about Christmas (surprise, surprise) but also find that feeling accompanied by a strange fragileness as I look at the journey we have been on and the places God seems to be leading us too. I think, at this stage in the season, we are being called towards prayers of gratitude. Take a little time each day this week to reflect on the things that we can be thankful for individually and as a church. I am grateful for the work God has done and is doing in me, for all those he has gathered together into our congregations, and for the opportunity to share joy and love with other people.
We have a slightly quieter week this week as we prepare for the big week of events next week, but we do have Carols in the Inn this evening in Farrington and Gabrellas christening this Sunday in Paulton, so be ready for a big party.
Also, we are having our Tea at 3 in Farrington this Sunday as we had to cancel it on the 1st, if you want some family fun on Sunday afternoon.
We have now raised all the money to complete the hamper project, so a huge thanks to all those who donated to this project, it is wonderful to see people taking the opportunity to show love in this way. We will be giving the hampers to the schools next week to go out to the families. Again, thanks so much for helping with this, it is one of our best witnesses to the community of our faith in action.
Katie, a parent from the Paulton toddler group (whose job is organising wine tastings) has offered to arrange a tasting session in support of the charity 'Voices' who work with people escaping domestic violence, a charity we give to regularly as a church.
You can find out more about Voices here: https://voicescharity.org/
Her company is donating all the wine, so all the money raised will go to the charity.
The event is on Friday 13th from 7pm to 9pm - Ticket cost £20 and can be bought in church or using the bank details. There are still a few tickets available.
Account name: - P C C of Paulton
Account No: - 71428127
Bank Sort Code: - 60-14-24
Use reference - wine tasting
I really hope you can support this event, and the great news is that you can donate even if you can't make it.
Here are all the dates for your diary:
Christmas Dates 2024
11th Dec Wednesday 7pm - Farrington Carols in the pub (already sold out)
13th Dec Friday 7pm - HTP wine tasting evening
16th Dec 7pm Hallatrow Carols
17th Dec Tuesday 9am - FG toddlers christmas
17th Dec Tuesday 10am - Paulton Christmas coffee morning
17th Dec 2pm Paulton Infant Christmas Assembly in church
20th Dec Friday 10am - Paulton Toddler group Christmas party
20th Dec Friday 6pm - Paulton Christingle
21st Dec Saturday 2pm - Carols at Bloomfield
22nd Dec Sunday 6pm - Paulton carols by candlelight
22nd Dec Sunday 6pm - High Littleton carols
23rd Dec Monday 3pm - Paulton Nativity
24th Dec Tuesday 3pm - Farrington Christingle
24th Dec Tuesday 4.30pm - High Littleton Christingle
24th Dec Tuesday 11.30pm - Midnight service Paulton
25th. Wednesday 11am - Paulton Christmas day
29th Sunday - benefice service
We are always after volunteers so let me know if you want to help with and event, and please share the events with everyone that you can to help make this a great Christmas season.

If you want to continue tracking with some of the sermon ideas as they develop I have included some more links to useful content that can help to keep us on the same 'wavelength'. This week, the Reith lectures from the BBC, a heavy subject asking questions about the nature of violence:
Rowan Williams - reflections on John
Putting on Christ - Kevin Vanhooser
Zephaniah 3.14-20, Philippians 4.4-7, and Luke 3.7-18
See all below for all the other details of our groups and upcoming events.
Next Sunday we will be meeting 9.30am in High Littleton 11am in Paulton and 3pm in Farrington
If you want to access resources in the meantime, we have a wealth of materials available.
You can use the YouTube link to get yourself tuned up and ready to sing with us on Sunday.

If you don't feel able to attend in person, we will continue to provide online worship options as well. The link to Twitch is at the bottom of this email.

Knit and Natter meet in the back room of Paulton church on the first Wednesday of each month from 2 to 4pm. The next meeting is on Wednesday 8 th January 2025. (Please note second Wednesday).
Everyone is welcome to come along and join the group, enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and a cake and have a good natter!

TGIF is on every Friday and Monday from 10am to 11.30am for coffee, cake, playtime and good chatting - you can find the latest details on Facebook here. (Not during the school holidays)

Morning prayer is taking place at 9.30am Wednesday in Paulton and Thursday in High Littleton. It begins with 15 minutes of quiet reflection, followed by Common Worship morning prayer.
The Church of England have updated their Morning Prayer APP. You can now listen to morning prayer from the app. I would encourage you all to take this up as a daily practice, it is a great way to grow a pattern of prayer and learn the rhythm of responses each day.
You can download the app here: https://www.chpublishing.co.uk/apps/daily-prayer
view the live service and re-watch previous services here: https://www.twitch.tv/holytrinitychurchpaulton
Every blessing to you all.