Sunday Service Update: 25/08/2024 (Copy)

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Sunday Service Update: 25/08/2024 (Copy)
Photo by v2osk / Unsplash

Hi everyone,

We were back with a bang last week, dealing with ‘wisdom’ in High Littleton and having a fantastic Christening in Paulton, it really felt like a party and was a joy to return to. As we move towards September I would really like us to think about renewal of our internal and external lives. By this I mean how we connect with God through the way we think and the way we act, finding new opportunities in each day to know God yourself and show God to others.

On the events front, we have the High Littleton village day this Saturday at the recreation ground.

The 'Dig In' Bible study time is on the 27th of August at 7.30pm and the 'Engine Room' prayer time will be on the 8th of September at 8pm.

Also, in Paulton, Would anyone from our congregations like to organise and run a stall at our Christmas bazaar 2-4pm on Saturday 7th December.

We currently have a stall of Christmas decorations, Mich's scribbles, a cake stall, Gina's fabrics,  woollen products, reused items and second hand books.  Any contributions to these stalls would be appreciated.  However if you have a business and would like your own stall we have a few vacant tables.  There is no charge (though donations to the Church are always appreciated).  Please leave a message with you name and a brief stall description on 07891627041 ASAP, before we offer an open invitation to anyone in the village. 

This September the coffee morning group have decided to raise funds for the Cancer Charity, 'It's in the Bag'.

This charity has been chosen as it supports men with testicular cancer and has benefitted a couple of Church families including ours.  This special coffee morning will take place on Tuesday 17th September 10-11.30am.  Please try to support the event.  It would mean a lot to us.


The Alpha course will be starring in Holy Trinity Paulton on Tuesday 10th of September.

If you are not familiar with 'Alpha', it is a great introduction (or refresher) to the Christian faith, to help you get to grips with the big questions, discuss your thoughts with others in a safe space, and stoke the fire and passion of your faith!

If you are new to being a Christain, still on the margins, or have been coming to church for years but feel you need a boost, then I would ask you to please sign up and commit to this great opportunity.

See the attached poster for more information.

To sign up please contact:

Rev Ian Rousell at


Rev Adam Pitt at

Service Changes:

In September we will be trying out a new pattern of service for Farrington and High Littleton in order to try and reach out to new members of the community.

St John’s Farrington Gurney will move one of it’s monthly services to the afternoon as a ‘tea time service’ and Holy Trinity High Littleton will move it’s afternoon craft session to a Sunday Morning Family Service and lead a Service of the Word themselves each month to provide a more regular pattern.

Holy Trinity Paulton will remain 11am every Sunday, and 5th Sundays will be Benefice services. I appreciate all your help in making these new services as successful as possible.

The new pattern will be:

St John’s Farrington Gurney: 

1st Sunday: “Tea at 3” - Tea/craft and worship at 3pm

4th Sunday: Holy Communion 9.30am

Holy Trinity High Littleton:

1st Sunday: Family Service 10am (From October 6th)

2nd Sunday: Holy Communion 9.30am

3rd Sunday: Holy Communion 9.30am

4th Sunday: Service of the Word

Philosophy Tube: Death

Going deep on the riots

The Shock Doctrine

David danced

Wes Streeting: leading interview

The Mauritanian

Discovering the melody

Love your enemies

Jonathan Haidt - "The Anxious Generation" | The Daily Show

Notes on complexity - Neil Theise

I AM THEY: Chapel Sessions Vol.2

The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory: American Evangelicals in an Age of Extremism

Awe - Dacher Keltner

The readings for this week are:
1 Kings 8.[1, 6, 10-11] 22-30, 41-43, Ephesians 6.10-20, and John 6.56-69

See all below for all the other details of our groups and upcoming events.

Next Sunday we will be meeting at 9.30 in Farrington and at 11am at in Paulton

If you want to access resources in the meantime, we have a wealth of materials available.

You can use the YouTube link to get yourself tuned up and ready to sing with us on Sunday.

If you don't feel able to attend in person, we will continue to provide online worship options as well. The link to Twitch is at the bottom of this email.

Knit and Natter meet in the back room of Paulton church on the first Wednesday of each month from 2 to 4pm. The next meeting is on Wednesday 4 th September 2024.
Everyone is welcome to come along and join the group, enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and a cake and have a good natter!

TGIF is on every Friday and Monday from 10am to 11.30am for coffee, cake, playtime and good chatting - you can find the latest details on Facebook here. (Not during the school holidays)

Morning prayer is taking place at 9.30am Wednesday in Paulton and Thursday in High Littleton. It begins with 15 minutes of quiet reflection, followed by Common Worship morning prayer.

The Church of England have updated their Morning Prayer APP.  You can now listen to morning prayer from the app. I would encourage you all to take this up as a daily practice, it is a great way to grow a pattern of prayer and learn the rhythm of responses each day.

You can download the app here:

view the live service and re-watch previous services here:

Every blessing to you all.
